Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I'm Back...

I've been away for a bit (chuckles deeply…) I had a new book released January 1st, and have been up to my eyeballs with it and some other stuff. I'm involved in a "blog tour" right now. You know what?  I didn't even know what a blog tour was. You know what else, I love these people! My PR company, who I pay a LOT of money to (and I think it is paying off) enrolled me in this. Essentially, bloggers talk about the book and do a giveaway if they want. It's awesome, and has launched The Sneezy Wheezy Day into the top 100 amazon free e-book downloads! You may ask, "so what, what's the point of a free download?"  Exposure…let me say that again…EXPOSURE!  I am not well known, and neither are you or you wouldn't be here, and so any exposure is good!  And here's another thing, If you see that someone has reviewed the book, even if it's a bad review, be gracious and thank them! You can even say, "Thank you so much for reviewing my book, blah blah blah, and I'm so sorry you hated it, but seriously, thank you for taking the time to decide that! Sincerely, so n' so." A little bit of humility goes a long way in a world that is a lot smaller than you think it is.

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